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Plant Spray

Plant Spray

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
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Transform your plant care routine with Bougie Bees Plant Spray, the ultimate elixir for thriving, vibrant plants. Our premium formula is meticulously crafted to provide essential nutrients, boost plant vitality, and protect against common pests and diseases. Whether nurturing delicate indoor plants or cultivating a lush garden, Bougie Bees Plant Sprays are your go-to solution for exceptional plant health! 

Fungus Fighter - This variation is formulated to combat common plant fungi that can grow on leaves. 

Insect Repellant - This formula is fantastic at combatting gnats, mites, and other insects that can be a nuisance to indoor plants.  

Pollinator Attractant - This spray is excellent for outdoor plants to attract pollinators to a butterfly or bee garden, and this variation is free of neem oil! 

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